You have been gone so long
You are a mountain in my mind

I wander your slopes, finding different ways
on different days, in different dreams.

Remembering and forgetting mingle, so
I get to know you better and worse,

as I explore what’s much bigger than I.
These treks change my vision, I see your faults,

deep ravines that hold ancient boulders
and timber swept down in recent storms.

I see what I should have seen when you lived,
but love and need blocked dangerous vision.

I see how weak you were and how much
pain there was in your wanting what you

couldn’t have, I see that envy made you sly.
The mountain is beautiful but not tame –

storms rip down its flanks at all seasons.
I love to spend time on the mountain

knowing I will never know it, knowing
that it will keep changing and changing me,

knowing that it has no summit, no way
to place a period at the end of a sentence

You have been gone so long
You are a mountain in my mind

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